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Clarke, Ian Fleming, Vladimir Nabokov, Saul Bellow, Chuck Palahniuk, P.

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During its tenure, the magazine published short stories by a number of leading writers, including Arthur C. It also included a full-frontal centerfold poster featuring a model (known as a Playmate ) of the month, along with a pictorial biography and the 'Playmate Data Sheet', which listed her birthdate, measurements, turn-ons, and turn-offs. Founded in 1953 by American magazine publisher Hugh Hefner (1926–2017) as a monthly magazine, it published general-interest features aimed at men interspersed with images of nude or semi-nude women, before ceasing print publication in 2020.Įach issue contained original articles written for men together with photographs of celebrities and professional models, as well as regular columns, fiction, personal stories, letters, advice pieces, news and interviews with public figures.

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Playboy was an American magazine published quarterly by PLBY Group.

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